Simon Twu is a triple-threat Bi-Lingual/Bi-Cultural actor who grew up in Santa Monica. Simon started working in the entertainment business in 2002, with production teams from the US, China, Taiwan, Korea, Hong Kong, Japan, and France.
He played in Asian Dramas, TV reality shows, local Chinese Movies, and Co-Productions, speaking in Chinese -Mandarin, English, Taiwanese, Japanese, and French.
Simon Twu
James Parris
Artist & Animator
James was born and educated in New York City at the High School of Art and design and Pratt Institute. He left New York at the start of the '90s to plant his first roots in the world of animation and visual effects while pursuing goals as a writer/director (live-action) and show-runner (both animation and live-action).
James has worked on feature and series, animation and live-action, on a diverse array of projects spanning from The Lion King, to Spider-Man, to Benjamin Button, to Doug Unplugs. Currently, James is Supervising Producer on an animated series at Hello Sunshine while developing an original animated series of his own.
*Academy Award Winner for Benjamin Button
Fei Fei Wang
Martial Arts World Champion
王飞斐,原名王菲,7月10日出生于河北省,中国内地女演员,毕业于河北武术队 [1] 。
2008年,出演个人首部电影《武术之少年行》,从而正式进入演艺圈 [2] 。2009年,出演古装动作爱情片《镖行天下前传》。2010年,凭借古装传奇剧《少林寺传奇之大漠英豪》而在娱乐圈崭露头角。2011年,出演年代抗战剧《独立纵队》 [3] 。2012年,因在古装传奇剧《活佛济公三》中饰演追云开始获得关注 [4] 。2013年,出演古装武侠剧《抗倭侠侣》。2014年,出演古装武侠片《麻辣白玉堂》 [4] 。2015年,出演奇幻爱情喜剧片《大话西游终结篇》 [5] 。2016年,出演都市情感剧《我们的千阙歌》。2017年7月,王飞斐担任制片人,并出演功夫喜剧片《功夫联盟》中的反一号凌沐 [6] 。2018年12月,出演动作片《新霸王花》。